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Real Time Cyrus Integration Version 1(sendmail,cyrus)


Obsoleted by Real Time Cyrus Integration Version 2


The document presents a few methods making sendmail check in real time presence of cyrus mailboxes.


  1. fstat map [created 2002-11-11]

    It uses fstat map (requires patching sendmail sources) to allow sendmail check in file system if directory holding given cyrus mailbox is present.

    WARNING: patch for sendmail 8.12 returns "no match" (no such mailbox) for all queries when cyrus is shutdown [I have not checked sendmail 8.12 behavoiur so far].

  2. socket map [created 2004-02-26]

    It uses socket map protocol for communication between sendmail and cyrus. It requires cyrus-2.3.3 and sendmail-8.13 (or patched sendmail-8.12).


Both above mentioned methods are not milter-sender friendly unlike Real Time Cyrus Integration Version 2.